"a Perfect Day"
by Sunnyone

The darkness of the night has gone away...
Making room for crystal morn, and
clear bright light of day...
Sun is shining in the sky...
Clouds are floating gently by...
Harmony below and up above...
Today's the perfect day to fall in love...

It's Saturday, a perfect day to rest...
Just hangin' out around the house,
your cozy little nest...
Watch tv and eat some 'Smores...
Take a day to skip the chores...
Give yourself a simple carefree day...
Today's a perfect day...so let it stay...

Twilight shadows creeping 'round the yard...
Daytime sun's retreating fast,
and dark is falling hard...
Bathe in bubbles...candles burn...
A long-forgotten peace returns...
Soak while watching shadows dance above...
And dream of perfect days to fall in love...

"Enjoy your day!"